William J. Malley: Blood Ancestor

The Buddhist Christian Mother-Earth Church

honors and celebrates

our Blood, Spirit, & Land Ancestors.


Father Edward Hays (1931-2016),

a Catholic priest and one of the many Spiritual Ancestors of the BCMC,

said that to nurture our relationships

we must “commit that mortal sin of the assembly line:”

We must “waste time” together.

(Edward Hays, A Pilgrim’s Almanac: Reflections for Each Day of the Year, (Notre Dame, IN: Forest of Peace Publishing, 1989), p. 12)


Brother Michael, Parson of the BCMC, writes,

My father, Bill Malley (1927-1997),

was far from perfect, but he had many wonderful qualities.

My dad was (and continues to be) a wonderful teacher in my life;

I thoroughly enjoyed ‘wasting time’ with him.”


In this video,

Brother Michael remembers his dad, encouraging himself and others

to “commit that sin of the assembly line,”

as we grow & nourish & cherish our friendships and family relationships: 

As we work to build the sacred Sangha.

(FYI: This video references Brother Michael’s storytelling work and the roles of storytelling and story listening in our relationships and lives.)