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Fresh Green Blessings: Reading the Judeo-Christian Bible through a Buddhist Lens with Mother Earth Eyes

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The Eight Principles of the BCMC

1. Grounded by Thich Nhat Hanh’s Teachings and Mindfulness Trainings,

while also drawing from other Worthy Teachings across

Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Traditions.



2. Boldly bringing together what is Beneficial in

Buddhism, Christianity, and Mother Earth Spirituality.



3. Offering a Deep Melding of

our Congregants’ Blood, Spirit, and Land Ancestors

so that Your Blood, Spirit, & Land Ancestors

may become Our Teachers & Spiritual Ancestors.”



4. Building an Open and Inclusive Sangha/Church/Spiritual Community;

Celebrating our Diversity and our Inter-being Natures;

Creating a Safe Space where All Are Welcome

– regardless of race, class, age, gender, sexual preference, or political party –

a place where No part of your True Self needs to be left behind.”



5. Committed to Unrelenting Care for the Commons”

Addressing Global Climate Change & Caring for our Mother Earth

as a Primary Spiritual and Ethical Imperative;

Engaging EcoSpiritualiy, EcoTheology, and the

Wisdoms of Listening & Hearing, Contemplation & Reflection,

and Meditation & Application as we

ReAwaken to our Identities in the Life Circle

as Earth Stewards, Earth’s Children, & the Earth Itself.



6. Based in Mindfulness and the Five Mindfulness Trainings;

Aspiring toward “the Pure Awareness of Nowness

and a Deep, Ongoing Sense of Enough-ness”;

Recognizing that Thorough Grounded Contentment” in the Present Moment

is both the Path Towards and the Ground Of

Personal Well-Being and Positive Social Transformation.



7. Dedicated to Nurturing a Wholesome Environment

of Peace, Joy, Lightness,

Compassion, Integrity, and Wholeness

for Children, Teens, Young Adults, Elders, 

Individuals, Couples, Families, and Community;

Watering Beneficial Seeds” and refraining from watering harmful seeds

in Ourselves, Each Other, & the World.




our Lives, our Relationships, and our Earth

through the Vastness of the GREAT SACREDNESS

— called by many names & limited to no name; 

Related to All and Inherent in All 

 for the Benefit of All Beings.



Along with these Eight Principles, every Action of the BCMC is
Grounded by
the Five Mindfulness Trainings.


Click Here to Read of the Five Mindfulness Trainings that Ground the BCMC.




