Grounded by Thich Nhat Hanh

The Buddhist Christian Mother-Earth Church (the BCMC) draws from many spiritual and religious teachers,

but the work of the BCMC is fundamentally grounded by the Teachings and Mindfulness Trainings

of the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh.



Thich Nhat Hanh, affectionately called Thay (pronounced like “tie” and meaning “teacher”) is recognized as

one of the leading voices of Buddhism in the West.

Thay’s friends have included notable Christian leaders such as  

Martin Luther King, Jr.,  Daniel Berrigan,  and  Thomas Merton. Martin Luther King was so inspired with Thich Nhat Hanh and his work that, in 1967,

Dr. King nominated Thay for the Noble Peace Prize.

Thay describes his life work as “the practice of building the Beloved Community” that he and MLK, Jr. discussed.


The Buddhist Christian Mother-Earth Church (the BCMC), with its emphasis on

bringing together what is beneficial in Buddhism, Christianity, and Mother Earth Spirituality,

is inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s vision and teachings in books like… 

Love Letter to the Earth,By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The World We Have: A Buddhist Approach to Peace & Ecology, 

Living Buddha, Living Christ, and

Going Home: Jesus and Buddha as Brothers.  



The BCMC also draws from Thay’s teachings on the importance of our Blood, Spirit, & Land Ancestors.

The BCMC is a Deep Melding of our Congregants’ Blood, Spirit, & Land Ancestors,

inspired to grow & learn through the beneficial

Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, & other Teachings of our Congregants & their Ancestors. 


We invite all congregants to share the worthy and beneficial teachings from their traditions, so that:

Your Blood Ancestors may become our Spiritual Ancestors. 

In the BCMC,

No part of your true self needs to be left behind.


Along with Thich Nhat Hanh’s Writings & Teachings,

and the Beneficial Traditions from our Congregants’ Blood, Spirit, & Land Ancestors, 

the BCMC continually draws inspiration from other worthy Buddhist, Christian, and Mother Earth Teachings and Teachers.


While drawing from this vast array of spiritual, religious, and secular sources,

we at the BCMC continually check to ensure that these resources are

not in conflict with Thich Nhat Hanh’s Fundamental Teachings

and Mindfulness Trainings. 



Thich Nhat Hanh’s Teachings and Mindfulness Trainings

serve as a GROUNDING

for the Buddhist Christian Mother-Earth Church.